Thursday, March 23, 2006

Fraudy Gets Promoted

First thing I saw when I checked my mail today was the good news. Fraudy is going back to his natural habitat in Coimbatore. He's been appointed as TL there. For the uninitiated, Fraudy is Vijayendran K, CMT, presently QA here in Spheris, Bangalore. The first photo was taken on October 2, 2004, when he was, by an unlucky twist of fate, the QC of my team in night shift [From L to R: Fraudy, Baiju, Rohan, and myself]. The second photo was more recently taken on February 15, 2006, on ethnic day. It was ethnic day but Fraudy hid his arrow-tipped tail and 2 horns on the head cleverly and wasn't carrying his spear either [devil's attire]. By the way, CMT designation in his case stands for Corrupt Medical Transcriptionist and not related to anything prestigious like the one given by AAMT.

Officially, he is also the biggest monkey of Monkey Squad (MS) and is also called MS-III by Squad Members, the other Squad Monkeys being Rohan and myself. He quite blatantly denies the fact of being one of the Monkey Squad but just have a look at any of his recent trip photographs to BR Hills and Kodai and you will, by all odds, not miss him hanging from a tree branch or the hanging roots of a banyan tree, and I am not joking. I've heard that the difference in the genes between humans and chimps is just 3%, but there can be few aberrations to the general rule as is overtly evident in his case.

From genes, lets move on to transfer of genes. Have any of you ever given a passing thought as to why this young eligible monkey is still a bachelor and not married. Let me divulge the juicy secret. He's still waiting for the dowry rates to climb to dizzying heights, perhaps the way the BSE has seen a meteoric rise in the near past. I hope the greedy fellow gets married some day and doesn't keep waiting forever.

He was one among those many who encouraged me to take a shot at proofing, but before you brand him as a large-hearted human being, I should tell you that behind the encouragement lay the intricate devilish plot of the villainous mind of a hideous psychopath. His ulterior motive was to cut points in my QA files and botch the happiness of my life. He drew an inch closer to the realization of his morbid fantasy when I landed up in proofing eval finally on March 7, 2006, originally slated
for December 2005. However, he is appointed already TL, and I'm still practicing "Horror Docs" as of today.

It comes as no surprise that he's appointed as TL. Who else can better nurture future monkeys of Coimbatore to climb the ladder of success? He's humble and has no airs about himself, pretty much down to earth I must say. I am sure MTs under his team will have no issues with
him - unless they have some attitude problem themselves. I have always got the best piece of advice from him, but the thing that I'll miss the most will be Coimbatore chips that he used to
get on his return from his monthly visits.


kvijayendran said...

Hey, good man. Read your blog.

I thoroughly enjoyed your article. I have to tell you that you have a great sense of humor, many people would have told you that (by the way, I still have the mail which you sent in reply for Joby's mail about staying away from workplace, that mail was very funny). You have a knack of pulling legs without making the other person feel uncomfortable. Never once in the whole article did I feel bored, I was smiling all the way through. You have a great sense of humor, which many people lack. Keep it up, write more articles like this, though don't pull my leg every time. Your article was gramatically correct too.

Otherwise everything was perfect.

I particularly like your blog title:
Wasteful Musings
Opinions and thoughts that ultimately change nothing in the world."
This is so funny. Your blog also reflects that you are very patriotic. Keep it up man, our country needs people like you.
Also, next time add some of the photos you have taken into the blog.

Thanks for sharing your blog with me, write more in the coming days and keep me updated. I know you always keep doing something different like calligraphy, photography, etc. Writing also comes to you, don't waste it. Write more, write on varied things, and keep it humorous in your usual way.

Anonymous said...

Nice post.... fun to read...